Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Does anyone read these?

Hey, so for those of you still interested heres the latest and greatest in my life...

Santa Barbara:
Great Reunion with most of the highschool crew, 7 of us drove down and met up with at least 8 more already down in Isla Vista. Crazy trip, most of which my buddy Tony captured on video (surprised he didnt get arrest or beat up for videotaping at the parties down there). Highlight of the trip was for sure grilling out back at my boy Gabe's place. we cooked steaks, chicken, and salad for our entire crew and anyone else who happened to wander through the backyard. I was proly on the grill for 2 hours by the end of the night. Good Times!! Overall, SB is a great place to visit but the party atmosphere down there was to hectic even for was nice to get back to santa cruz and lay low for a few days


Applied and registered for classes at the local community college, pretty smooth process other then the fact that i had to give them a copy to my discharge papers, drivers license and another form of proof of address in order to show i was a resident even though i have claimed CA residency for the last 20 cant escape bureaucracy i guess. As of now I am going to be taking General Pysch, photojournalism, sports nutrition, and some PE classes. I am also taking an EMT course outside of the school. It should be a busy semester but i could really use some direction in my life.

I guess thats the major events since the last post, everything else is more or less what you'd expect: spending lots of time at the beach, seeing the girlfriend, chillin with friends, working on fixing up the house. Doing absolutely NOTHING has been nice too but I am really ready to have a little bit of structure back in my life, i kind of feel like a bum just sitting around so im taking up time by goin to the gym and training in mixed martial arts (if i can keep paying the fees at the dojo)

As for the Future: Right now I'm looking at a quick camping trip doing to the cliffs of big sur with my girlfriend and a couple buddys, dates for the Bahamas are set, dates to move in with my brother are set, and kayaking in Washington is still in the works for this summer. Finally i may have the chance to tag along with a friend on a couple week Euro tour....cross your fingers for that!

If anyone actually reads this still lemmie know...theres no point in writing for an empty house right? Thanks guys, Keep it Irie, we'll be in touch


  1. I read & enjoy your writing. I'm living vicariously (and enviously) through your exploits on this adventure. That said, I know you're targeting buddies more than old instructors (And Twitter does get the basics across).

  2. hey, i came across this today on my i google homepage as i put ur blog on it. but yeah most of us are still tweeting haha ...take care
